Retirement Planning & Pension Advice

Have you thought about where your regular income will come from after you retire? And more importantly, how much will it be? Perhaps you could do with some pension advice?

Once you retire, your regular expenses are generally reduced. However, you’ll still need to have sufficient regular income to ensure you enjoy your retirement! When you start looking at sorting out a suitable pension, the sheer number of options and schemes available to you can be quite overwhelming.

John Tamblin can help you through the maze of information and make a recommendation suitable for your circumstances. John is an independent adviser offering high quality pension advice across Cumbria and Lancashire. He is fully aware that many of the pension terms used can be confusing and so he makes a special effort to explain things clearly in plain English

For expert pension advice that will provide the best option for you, call John Tamblin today on 07880 795710

The value of pension and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Pension Advice and Retirement Planning Options

Retirement Planning is a complex area which means different things to different people.  How you plan for retirement can be wide and varied, but it must be planned for well in advance.

The types of pension scheme on which John can advise upon are:

  • Personal Pension
  • Stakeholder Pension
  • Flexi-Access Income Drawdown
  • Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP)
  • Small Self Administered Scheme (SSAS)

Pension planning is becoming increasingly complex, with the government offering a range of tax incentives and the pension providers offering a plethora of different products and investment funds.

What if I’ve got a number of pensions already?

John Tamblin can review your existing arrangements, suggest improvements and guide you through the personal pension-planning maze to ensure your future needs are met.

Many people come to me having accumulated numerous pensions over the years, none of which have any structure towards the their retirement objectives. Quite often, they do not know what they are worth, how they are performing, the charges being levied and what level of retirement income they are likely to provide.

I’ll advise on the feasibility of a consolidation of old pensions and can provide a jargon free explanation of the above. I can also advise on the suitability of a Stakeholder, personal or indeed a self invested pension.

What to do next?
Contact John Tamblin today to chat about your particular circumstances. Phone John on 07880 795710 or complete the contact form here to get in touch. There is no obligation on your part.